Classes are offered for:
Elementary & High School age students can register for classes held during the school year that are held on Sundays from 8:45-9:45 AM.
Adult R.C.I.A. - Rite of Christian Initiation Adults scheduled for Monday evenings; changes made when convenient to class
Confirmation Sacramental Preparation for Adults - set as registration requires
“We the people of St. Benedict Church pray and work to give life to God’s Word.”
As a parishioner of St. Benedict, we are given many opportunities to “give life to God’s Word.”. Besides your everyday living like Christ, there are ministries that could use your help. The St. Benedict Religious Education Program classes have come to an end for the school year, but now the summer months will be used to prepare for next year.
What is a catechist? A person who wants to spread the Word of God to and through our children. A person willing to dedicate time to prepare for a Sunday morning class. A person who will attend one or two in-service sessions with our Religious Ed Director. A person willing to take classes to become the best catechist.
Instruction is available to help a person become a certified catechist. They are offered by the Southeast Deanery or the Pastoral Center throughout the year. The Archdiocese Catechetical Center requests that all catechist attend classes and work towards their certification; they have provided that this can be a three year process and an individual can continue to grow with more classes to reach different levels.
Our parish asks for ministers and hope that they will learn that it is important to take these classes to make the experience in the classroom the best it can be for each student and the catechists.
Although the classes listed below are credits for catechists, anyone can take these classes. We encourage all to attend and use this opportunity to develop your spiritual growth and prepare you for any ministry. These classes have always been considered great for Liturgical Ministers. The cost is $15; however, if you are a catechist the cost will be $5.
Please pray about making this ministry your ministry.